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Embracing Heritage: Unit 3

The Embracing Heritage unit is designed for students to experience and explore the life of an immigrant from 1975 and that of 2019 coming to America.  Students will research and determine how immigration policies and the immigration process can shape the views and life of an immigrant.  In this unit questions about what challenges do immigrants face after arriving in America?  How do they become acclimated to the American culture?  How might they respond to those who oppose immigration policies that are different from their own?  This novel brings this unit full circle because students will experience the immigration process through the eyes of someone coming of age. (click on the book to view the Inside Out and Back Again book trailer)  DCPS 

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My Survivor Self: Unit 3

In Call of the Wild, Buck teaches us that survival is about being adaptable. While this sometimes means being competitive and looking out for one’s self it can also involve looking out for one’s pack. In every instance, survival requires perseverance and a refusal to accept the status quo. This unit will provide the opportunity for students to make strong, deep connections between the lessons that Buck teaches the reader and the adolescent world our students inhabit.(click on the book to view the Inside Out and Back Again book trailer)               DCPS

The Road Not Taken: Unit 3


This unit will challenge students to explore the ideas of individuality and conformity in a way that does not put the two concepts against each other but, rather, weighs the pros and cons of both. Students will read a variety of fiction and non-fiction that evaluates both individuality and conformity as a right, a burden, and a responsibility. Through a thorough study of the texts in this unit, students should come to understand that there is value in both conformity and individuality and the path not taken could be the figurative road to either..(click on the book to view the Inside Out and Back Again book trailer)               DCPS

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