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The Road Not Taken

Unit 3 will challenge students to explore the ideas of individuality and conformity in a way that does not put the two concepts against each other but, rather, weighs the pros and cons of both. Students will read a variety of fiction and non-fiction that evaluates both individuality and conformity as a right, a burden, and a responsibility. Through a thorough study of the texts in this unit, students should come to understand that there is value in both conformity and individuality and the path not taken could be the figurative road to either.  students should evaluate the ideas that (1) nonconformity is not anti-society and (2) people have a social responsibility to conform in some instances in life while exerting their individuality in others.


                                                                                                                                                 Synopsis: District of Columbia Public Schools


To Kill a Mockingbird-Chapter 3

 To Kill a Mockingbird-Chapter 4

To Kill a Mockingbird-Chapter 5

To Kill a Mockingbird-Chapter 6


 The Road Not Taken


The Road Not Taken 


The Road Not Taken 

The Road Not Taken

  The Road Not Taken

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